In a momentous and emotional grand finale on October 6, 2024, Nihad Titiaka Ibrahim from the Savannah Region made history as the first contestant from her region to win the coveted Ghana’s Most Beautiful (GMB) crown. Titiaka captivated both the judges and the audience with her powerful presentation on child marriage, emphasizing its damaging impact and issuing a heartfelt call for collective action to end the practice.
During the Question and Answer segment, Titiaka was asked, “Would you encourage the next generation of women to participate in governance?” She opened her response with a profound quote from Efo Kodjo Mawugbe’s play In the Chest of a Woman: “In the chest of a woman is not only an extension of the breast and a feeble heart, but a strong one capable of making brave decisions.” This powerful statement served as the foundation for her thoughtful and articulate response, further showcasing her brilliance and passion for advocacy.
Titiaka’s exceptional intelligence, grace, and commitment to addressing social issues distinguished her throughout the competition. She triumphed over fierce competitors, including Ashanti Region’s Afriyie, who secured the 1st runner-up position, Volta Region’s Makafui, the 2nd runner-up, and Eastern Region’s Peprah, the 3rd runner-up.
The GMB 2024 Grand Finale, the pinnacle of beauty pageants in Ghana, was a spectacular celebration of beauty, intellect, culture, and advocacy. Titiaka’s groundbreaking victory has set a new benchmark for future contestants, and her campaign against child marriage will continue to inspire meaningful change in Ghana and beyond.